Monday, May 25, 2009

1v1 Nutmegs

[WARNING! Nutmegs (sending the ball through an opponent’s legs) are dangerous because the player starts losing the ball after multiple successful nutmegs. Nutmegs will become one of your team's favorite moves and your players will keep trying it over and over again. I have to tell my players that beating opponents wide can set up a nutmeg, and that you cannot keep going back to the nutmeg. Nutmeg is a seasoning. For best results, use sparingly!]

One method that works surprisingly easy is: Brush, Brush, Tap, all with the same foot. So, if the player is using their right foot, the player will brush the ball to his left, twice, and as the defender moves and his legs start to open, the player taps the ball with the outside of his right foot.

Here’s a clip of my son showing this technique, followed by various clips of other nutmegs, including several by Pelé...

HINT: The easiest way to get a nutmeg to work is to get the defender moving and then passing through the defender’s legs while they are still closed. Many times when players try to pass through open legs that are moving, the legs are usually closed by the time the ball gets there.

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