Saturday, August 16, 2008

Advanced Offense - Give and Go

This offense works as a full field offense. I didn't think of this offense and our team never used it, but I saw another team use it to great affect. The coach that was getting beat, came over and asked me how I would stop it. He was our rival at the time so I didn't tell him. But pressure man would stop it.

Basically, you start off in an inverted “T”, i.e. the back player on the end line by the ball along with one of the forwards, while the remaining forward is down the field. The back player passes the ball into the corner, and from there, the forward makes a run all the way toward the other side of the field using his teammates for give and goes. This gets you by the first two defenders, setting up a 1v1 situation with their back player.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apprecate the insights, Alex. My 16s played their first 3v3 tournament today and realized quickly that having several Academy 11v11 players does not automatically make them a good 3v3 team. We adjusted as the day went on but your post provides us some great ideas. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Wife and I both went to school in Austin - great city.